Tuesday 17 April 2012

It's the little things.

Sometimes when I'm in bed at night, lost in my own thoughts, I ask myself, 'was today a good day?' I suppose any day where I don't get mauled by a bear or set fire to the kitchen is a good day. A better question would be, 'did I enjoy today?' After realising that something as small as a new episode of my favourite TV show can actually have we looking forward to a Monday, I came to the conclusion that it's important to find joy in the little things. Normally sentimental crap like that (usually found on the Internet, printed over a picture of a kitten eating an ice cream) make me roll my eyes, but I've found that there's no denying it. And while I would love to spend each day bungee jumping off the Eiffel Tower while sharing an ice cream with the afore mentioned kitten, that doesn't mean I shouldn't enjoy the other days. So whether it's the first warm day of the year or just getting to a toilet when you really need to pee (ahhhhh), enjoy it. Sometimes the happiest people aren't millionaires, but people who are merely content with their lot and enjoy their lives, and the days just spent sitting watching old films with a friend are the ones we'll miss the most when they can't be recaptured. Hell, the promise of a good meal can get me through a day.

Today I woke up a few hours too early and got to go back to sleep, bit into the seam of a Cadbury's Creme Egg, split it perfectly down the centre and scooped out the filling with my tongue, found a film on TV I hadn't seen for ages, ate gnocchi and pancetta for my tea, had a shower (and tipped the water out of my ears) before putting on clean PJs and climbing in between fresh sheets, with a nice toasty laptop on my knees and the promise of a good book. What a good day.

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