Thursday 19 January 2012

Who's there?! (Part 2)

Just incase I haven't made you paranoid enough, here are a few more things that horror films could ruin for you.

11. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Texas, Chainsaws, and Massacres. Although the river walk in San Antonio is just lovely.

12. The Silence of the Lambs: Men who drink Chianti.

13. Invasion of the body snatchers (1956): Nobody believing you. And, you know, having your body snatched…by invaders…

14. Jurassic Park (purely for the kitchen scene): Those damn door-opening Veloceraptors. They may seem cute but be on your guard, they’re clever girls.

15. Deliverance: You’ll never be able to enjoy banjo music again.  

16. Wolf Creek: Those man-sized spiders aren’t the most dangerous thing in Australia.

17. The Wicker Man (personally the scariest film ever): Even before Trainspotting, this was the final nail in Scotland’s tourism industry.

18. Saw: Guys who give themselves names like ‘Jigsaw’.

19. The Orphanage: Seriously Spain, stop it!

20. The Shining: Jack Nicholson, barmen, twins, naked women, mazes, hotel rooms, and I can no longer enjoy a nice blood-filled lift. Darn.  

To be continued...

If I were working for the Texas Tourism Board, I would insist that they subliminally slip this inbetween a couple of the frames. Maybe the most chainsaw-y ones.
(San Antonio, TX. 2010)

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