Monday 5 September 2011

Sign language

Having completed my summer travels I have made memories, taken photos, experienced new things, and best of all learnt some new travel games. In my opinion a travel game need not be limited to the time spend in transit reaching your destination, and they can range from the simple 'counting the steps as I climb them to take my mind off the pain' to a personal favourite...Sign Spotting.

Houston, TX, USA (2010)

Whether they be stating the obvious or missing the point...

Prague, Czech Republic (2007)

Edinburgh, Scotland (2010)
or unintentionally so... 

Fredericksburg, TX, USA (2010)


Salzburg, Austria (2009)
Or telling you how to avoid death...

Olympic National Park, WA, USA (2008)
Don't forget to fight back aggressively, pick up your children, and throw them.
Sign Spotting is a great way to keep annoying children occupied, and have something more interesting than yet another photo of yet another mountain when you get back home.

For more Sign Spotting fun, visit

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